
Friday 15 January 2016

Hexie Down Under Round 3

Welcome to Hexie Down Under round 3!

Are you a hexie fan? Would you like to create your own hexie masterpiece but are limited by what's in your fabric stash?  Swapping with other hexie fans is a great way to mix up the fabrics in your hexie collection, so Isabella Golightly and I have decided to set up an affordable swap just within Australia.  One that is EASY to do and INEXPENSIVE to be a part of.
  • Can you accurately thread or glue baste a 1" hexie?  
  • Can you neatly stitch these hexies into a hexie flower?  
  • Do you live in Australia?  
If you answered yes to each of these questions then you are eligible to join #HexieDownUnder3  This swap will be for both thread basters and glue basters.  You can specify your preference and depending upon numbers we will attempt to keep these two methods in separate groups.   
We have had a number of people ask us if we could include an option to request LOOSE HEXIES as either they already had sufficient hexie flowers for their chosen layouts and/or their health conditions restricted the number of flowers that they could stitch. Therefore we have decided to introduce a "LOOSEY GOOSEY" group. This group will be required to send a total of 13 basted hexies to each of their group members.  You will be able to choose one of two options:
  • 12 hexies in the same fabric plus 1 signature hexie, or
  • 12 mixed hexies plus 1 signature hexie

There is a separate sign up link for this group (further down). You may choose to sign up for the "LOOSEY GOOSEY" group or for one of the regular hexie flower groups or sign up for both options.  Postage for the "LOOSEY GOOSEY" option should only be $1.00 per envelope as they should be able to fit in a regular sized envelope.  Please leave hexie papers IN the hexies.

  • This swap is open to Australians with an Australian postal address only. Sorry, no international members.
  • You MUST have a public Instagram account (no exceptions this time).
  • Members of Hexie Down Under (regular groups) are required to create and mail at least two (2) hexie flowers to each person on their list before 31 March 2016; 
  • Loosey Goosey members are required to send 13 hexies to each member on their list before 31 March 2016.
  • All members should be able to accurately thread or glue baste 1" hexies and if in one of the regular groups they are required to sew them neatly together into a hexie flower.  Please ensure that your stitches are tight enough that the petals will not fall apart.
  • Members are to use a good quality quilting cotton. Please do not use any other type/s of fabrics 
  • All signature/centre hexies should be white (unless requested otherwise) and you are required to write your name, your Instagram account name, and where you are from on the signature/centre hexie with a permanent fabric marker.  
  • Please leave the papers/cardboard in so that the recipient can join them together easily. 
  • Post a photograph of your finished hexies on Instagram tagging the recipient together with the hashtag #HexieDownUnder3 or #HexieDownUnder3LooseyGoosey prior to mailing them off.


Yes you read that correctly, you are not required to send anything other than the hexies to the members on your list.  Please note that Australia Post has increased the price of postage stamps from 4 January 2016.   If you use a C5 sized envelope (162 x 229 mm) it will now cost $2 to post within Australia at the Regular rate.  Please refer directly to Australia Post for their new pricing structure. Loosey Goosey members should be able to fit their loose hexies in a normal sized envelope which will cost $1 to post within Australia.  Please note that Aged & Disabled Pensioners are eligible for concession stamps.  Please contact Australia Post direct for further information.

Maximum estimated participation costs: $2 @ 20 group members = $40 postage costs over 3-months (less for eligible pensioners) PLUS the cost of your hexie papers - you will need at least 280 papers.  A packet of 100 papers costs on average $5 - $7 depending on the retailer.  You are welcome to make your own papers.  We encourage you to use the fabric & threads that you already have in your stash. If you do not have a certain colour/print, please ask your group leader, they will be able to assist you and/or arrange to trade fabric with another group member.  

Once the sign up data has been collated, you will be emailed a spreadsheet containing the details of the people in your group.  You can work through this list at your own pace and mail them off as you go, however, we do request that you complete your list before 31 March 2016 - that gives you approximately 3-months to complete your list. There will be a mandatory check in each month and again towards the end of the swap where you will be asked for a status update of your work and a list of who you are yet to receive from.  If at any stage throughout the swap you need assistance to complete your hexies PLEASE ASK!  We understand that life happens and Hexie Angels are there to assist if required.  All members will be checked against the Swapper's Black List and any known "flakers" will not be accepted.  If you deliberately flake on us you WILL be added to the Swapper's Black List!

This round we plan to provide a few articles to assist with organizing yourself and the best methods of stitching your hexies.

We will be capping the groups to a maximum of 20 members per group to keep numbers manageable so the MAXIMUM number of hexie flowers that you will be making will be 40 (2 per person if we have 20 members per group - in round 1 we had 18 members per group / in round 2 we had 15 members per group).   Sign ups will remain open for one week or until we have reached 60 members (whichever comes first), so be quick, latecomers will not be accepted once group lists have been compiled!  Existing members are welcome to re register (anyone who mailed their hexies late in round 1 or 2 will have their application assessed on a case by case basis by Isabella & I and will be accepted at our discretion). New members are welcome so please tell your friends. 

Please click on one of the registration logos below to access the sign up forms:

  Click To Register

If you are interested in being a Group Leader, please contact me direct to discuss.

Depending upon popularity, we aim to have #HexieDownUnder4 commence in April for a June 2016 finish.


  1. Bigger!! Missed out on Loosey Goosey!! Any chance there are enough people to run two LG groups??


Thank you for your feedback.