
Wednesday 30 September 2015

Tiptoe Through The Tulips

September is a wonderful time to visit Bendigo.  Each year The City of Greater Bendigo's Park & Natural Reserves team presents a beautiful tulip display in the Conservatory Gardens (near Rosalind Park) along Pall Mall.   

The display features more than 30,000 tulips in an assortment of colours, sizes and blooming times. Entry is free to all. 

Here are my photos:

Me in front of the conservatory
a rose among the tulips

My Daddy & I

Me & Mum
Visitors are encouraged to tag their Instagram photos with the hashtag #BendigoTulips

Whilst we were there we had a quick look at the "Felted Forest" exhibition which was set up inside the conservatory for the school holidays.  The Felted Forest is a colourful wonderland of animals, bugs, plants and flowers mostly made from hand felted wool.  Created by Mary Hoare.

And as we walked up to the Visitor Information Centre I enjoyed playing tourist & snapped a few more photos:


  1. Fantastic photos. I love Bendigo. So pretty. Fond memories of a number of trips there 20 yrs ago.

    1. Thanks Susie. Bendigo has some beautiful old buildings & I must admit that I love the tulips!

    2. Gorgeous! Funny to see you in Spring as we head into Fall!

    3. We're due for a hot weekend with temperatures hitting over 30 degrees celcius. I've just stripped the bed & taken the winter doona & electric blanket off and am airing my summer weight doona.


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